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Navigating the Legal Landscape: Insights, Analysis and Articles

/ May 5,2016
Woman arrested in park, fighting drug charges
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/ May 2,2016
In the spotlight: white collar (read mortgage fraud) cases
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/ Apr 28,2016
Guidance can be key to success after hit and run accidents
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/ Apr 25,2016
A seatbelt: The car’s original safety technology
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Colorado police see rise in fatalities from motorcycle accidents
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/ Mar 29,2016
Bill propose changes to Colorado criminal law regarding sexting
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Get started with a superior representation that comes with a personal touch. Our team handles cases in the Denver Metro Area and throughout Colorado. Please get in touch with us today, either by phone or online. We look forward to speaking with you.

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Englewood Office

333 W. Hampden Avenue Suite 750
Englewood, CO 80110
Fax: (303) 806-8882
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